Maria Healy


Phone: +353(87)7656668
Look and Then Look Again
Previous Work
About the Artist
I am a visual artist concentrating mainly in glass and textiles but sometimes in ceramics. Using my own photographs, as a starting point, I manipulate them digitally and this helps to drive the creativity. My current body of work is about a local area which exudes an atmosphere of the sublime and of absent present. I find that the traces, layers and fragments evoke a response in me. I am hoping to translate these subtle traces through my art.

It is a deeply layered terrain of remains, memories and histories, which take on another reality with the knowledge that all this area is actually a submerged village. I am trying to create something tangible from an otherwise fleeting memory. I am using glass as a metaphor for water. I love the translucent quality of it. I am working with textiles, using threads as a metaphor for connections, weaving past into present with all its colours and textures. Also, by combining glass and textiles I want to depict the water which hides a fragile unravelled fabric of life past. 

I am piecing together the fragments to weave a narrative. I experiment with the visual fragments dismantling them and then reforming them again in another narrative which echoes what happened on this site in the past. 

I am using the idea of mise-en-abyme, a condition in a work of art where a fragment replicates the entire composition. One of the techniques I use is Pate de Verre which is fragments of crushed glass, pasted together in a mold and fired in the kiln. This process lends itself well to my theme of fragmentation and the resulting work is very delicate and almost ephemeral in quality.